Singleton Design Pattern Example Program
>> Monday, April 18, 2011
Singleton Design pattern will allow only one object per Class(JVM).
Before Writing Singleton Design pattern you should follow these steps.
#1). create an instance as static and return type as The same class, and it should be assigned as null.
private static Singletonn instance = null;
#2). "Create a Constructor as private" to deny the creation of object from other class.
private Singletonn(){
#3). Write a static method to create object for our class.It should be Once for a class.
public static Singletonn getInstance(){
#4). At last return the class Object.
Here We are creating the object once only not again and again.The first time created object is returning again when you called.
package javabynataraj.basic;
class Singletonn {
private static Singletonn instance = null;
private Singletonn(){
public static Singletonn getInstance(){
instance = new Singletonn();
return instance;
public class Singleton{
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("before calling ...");
System.out.println("Once Called");
System.out.println("Second time called");
>> Monday, April 18, 2011
Singleton Design pattern will allow only one object per Class(JVM).
Before Writing Singleton Design pattern you should follow these steps.
#1). create an instance as static and return type as The same class, and it should be assigned as null.
private static Singletonn instance = null;
#2). "Create a Constructor as private" to deny the creation of object from other class.
private Singletonn(){
#3). Write a static method to create object for our class.It should be Once for a class.
public static Singletonn getInstance(){
#4). At last return the class Object.
Here We are creating the object once only not again and again.The first time created object is returning again when you called.
package javabynataraj.basic;
class Singletonn {
private static Singletonn instance = null;
private Singletonn(){
public static Singletonn getInstance(){
instance = new Singletonn();
return instance;
public class Singleton{
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("before calling ...");
System.out.println("Once Called");
System.out.println("Second time called");
Very Good Explanation with a neat Program.
ReplyDeleteThanks. I saw this program in javabynataraj blog.